I was mesmerised by the beauty of the churches that we visited. The trying-hard photograher in me came out once again. When I got to see the different works of art, which I prefer to call them, it's just hard for me to resist taking pictures with my phone. Too bad nobody thought of charging our digicam before leaving the house. Nevertheless, it didn't stop me from capturing the moment. And this made me realized na mganda din pala quality ng pictures ng phone ko di ko lang ginagamit. haha! Amidst the enjoyment and the pleasure of taking pictures, this one served as an eye-opener for me:

The moment I saw this cross laying down on the floor what immediately popped in my head was, "can you carry this?". How far can you get when it comes to sacrificing yourself for your loved ones? Jesus Christ travelled more or less 4km going to the hill where he will be crucified while carrying the cross on his shoulder. By merely looking at it, it seemed like it's heavy and surely this is smaller than the actual size of Jesus Christ's cross so just imagine how heavy it was. Not to mention the crown of thorns on His head and the continuous heartlessly scourging Him while walking. Now beat that! The cross is a symbol of His love and suffering for us. Is Lenten season for vacation and relaxation alone? As Catholics, maybe we should think again. To indulge oneself in whatever fun activity this summer is not bad, but we must also keep in mind that Lent is the time to remember how God suffered and died for us in order to save us from our sins. What a shame that I had to wait for 20 years before I get to realize all of these! Well, it's better late than never. haha..
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